
Friday, April 23, 2010


p284 第二段


Many late-Ming gentry were already acting out this possibility in their home
localities by donating large sums, sometimes in the hundreds of taels, for
the building and restoring of Buddhist monasteries (including bronze bells
and statues) and other public institutions, as well as for other charitable
projects. At the hands of a Confucian activist like Yuan’s fellow Jiashan native Chen Longzheng (1585-1656), public philanthropy was undergirded by a morality of social recompense that went both ways. Aiding their communities demonstrated that the wealthy deserved their natural-born right to elite status. At the same time it reminded the destitute of their duty to accept the paternal relationship to which the surplus of wealth in elite hands obliged them. Social recompense did not deprive the elite of the right to spend for their own pleasure, however. It may in fact have redeemed it.

p284第二段倒數第四行「與此同時」開始那邊,一直看很久看不懂。對勘英文本發現是翻錯了,原文是上面標起來黃色那段,他的 the destitute翻錯,所以整段就錯掉了,the destitute 應該要翻作窮人。以下是整段試譯:



p143 第二段
這個不曉得算不算誤譯。「商業或國家儲糧能力的衰落」,原文作"Neither commerce nor the dwindling capacity of the state to store grain",竊以為「商業或衰退的國家儲糧能力」較佳。

p158 第二段
Evenlyn Rawski 漢名叫羅友枝

p159 第二段
「以商業化程度較低的華南為例」誤譯,原文為 In less comerialized areas in south China,應是「以華南地區商業化較低的區域為例」。

p190 第二段
「許多「農」民不再「有田」,而要將穀物儲存在那些販賣佃農穀物的士紳地主的糧倉裡。」原文作 Many a peasant no longer "had his land" but had to stock the granaries of gentry landloads, who sold thier tenants' crops into the commercial grain trade. 這邊偷偷把把穀物貿易拿掉。

p279 那邊沒有翻錯,可我還是看不懂那個句子想表達什麼。

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